Remembering 9/11 Was An Inside Job ..And Josh Harris Is Still On The Run By The Feds For B-Thing.

Today is 9/11, a time were Americans have come accustom to gathering at the World Trade Center site to honor the nearly 3,000 VicSims in the Sept. 11, 2001 hoax attacks.

Despite, this year’s memorial falls on an election year where Covid-1984 hysteria will make reflection starkly different, I wanted to reflect on uncharted waters for most of 9/11 researchers.

Not too many go down the Josh Harris rabbit hole journey to uncover 9/11 truth.

 As Americans, we are told that 9/11 should be a day never forgotten, nor a day we shall never forget. 

I can you tell with great certainty I will never forget Josh Harris in my 9/11 reflections.

Meet Josh Harris..

Harris, is an early tech entrepreneur and founder of internet television station, whose late 1990s project broadcasting his life 24 hours a day was a bandwidth-hogging experiment that presaged the now-common practice of livestreaming or podcasting.

Although not as familiar to this generation as Mark Zuckerberg, Josh Harris also used to rake millions in the tech world. Once being a tech mogul and founder of Jupiter Communications in the 1990s, his worth once peaked at $50 million.

Harris has been dubbed “the greatest Internet pioneer you’ve never heard of,” “the Warhol of the Web,” or “the delusional visionary.” 

“Lions and tigers used to be kings of the jungle and then one day they wound up in zoos — I suspect we’re on the same track.”

Josh Harris.

Wired: This Guy Predicted Society’s Thirst for Internet Fame—in 1999

Virtual insanity!

So, who is the man of virtual insanity, named Harris? Anthony Haden-Guest wrote on January 6, 2017:

Josh Harris, aka “The Warhol of the Web,” the Internet pioneer who put high-tech to ambitious art uses in downtown New York in the late 1990s, and who made and lost $80 million in so doing, is under scrutiny again. Harris, who now lives in a cheap Las Vegas apartment, told Britain’s Financial Times that he was sure he had been under surveillance by the Feds since he filmed a performance by Gelatin, a four man Vienna-based collective, on the 21st floor of the World Trade Center in March 2000. In an online follow-up another Brit paper, the Daily Mail, specified that the performance had involved a “mysterious art installation with ties to 9/11.”

..Josh Harris .. the son of a usually absent CIA father.

Cover of the book TOTALLY WIRED with an image of a New York City street with buildings and taxis.

Andrew Smith made crystal clear Harris is Jewish in his book “Totally Wired” and a CIA Operative.

Josh of having been a CIA operative.

Smith, Andrew. Totally Wired (p. 48). Grove Atlantic. Kindle Edition.
Action Figure Insider » @SuperMansion Invites You to Meet … Jewbot! Coming  Soon on @Crackle

As a child of the 60’s Harris loved a particular television show called Gilligan’s Island. Josh Harris described the tv show characters as his real family.

In his days running Pseudo, Harris often dressed as a clown avatar named “Luvvy,”(which he refers to as his virtual self.)

His alter ego, a scary clown in smeared makeup based on the wife of Thurston J. Howell III from the show previously mentioned Gilligan’s Island.

The word luvvy literally means a person who is involved in the acting profession or the theater.

Harris thought his mother looks like one of the characters in the tv show, Luvvy.

1998 Gillain painting by Josh Harris.

A quick note in weird Hollywood coincidences that corresponds with my earlier writings…

Sherwood Schwartz the creator of Gilligan’s Island, wanted Michael Cera to Play Gilligan in the movie Adaptation which never materialize.

I find it ironic that Cera could have become Gilligan and Hill is playing Harris because both men costarred in Superbad.

Jonah Hill had been a subject in my article “The New Iran-Contra Scandal: Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and the Panama Papers” about Israeli gun running.

Let’s go back to talking about the scary clown that seems to have helped orchestrate 9/11.

Josh Harris as Luvvy in “Quiet.”

Harris was notorious for crashing board meetings dressed as Luvvy.

The keys of the World Trade Center that would crash down on 9/11 were given to Harris years before that day of infamy.

“Word is that he was inspecting a new Emergency Operations Center at the World Trade Center..” Andrew Smith

World Trade Center (1973–2001) - Wikipedia
Josh Harris and QUIET: We Live In Public |

At the turn of the century, back in 1999 (30 days leading up to the new millennium) Harris had flush millions of his personal wealth to build an underground bunker (six-floor warehouse) in the heart of New York City to run a controversial art project (but more like a Stafford Prison experiment) on more than 150 individuals that had moved into an artificial society where their every move was monitored on film/ CCTV cams.

Josh Harris and QUIET: We Live In Public |

The artificial society was called “Quiet.”

Review: Smart We Live in Public Probes Web Genius' Hubris | WIRED

People lived in Pods, with a live video cameras in every pod, and screens that allowed each occupant to monitor the other pods installed in the basement by artist Jeff Gompertz of Studio 54 fame.

Do you remember current Republican President Trump’s drag show at Studio 54?

Donald Trump in a homoerotic Roman soldier Cosplay costume with his date Roy Cohn in a peacock costume.

These were the pods and living circumstance of the participants of the experiment or as known as so-called citizens of “Quiet,” living in Stacks upon stacks of loft space within a futurist communal living space inside the artificial society in NYC months before the multiple Tower infernos.

We Live in Public – IFC Center
Does this look like modern life to you?

The Sun write “they ate, slept, had sex and went to the bathroom on camera but the NYPD stormed the building on New Year’s Day, 2000, amid growing concern it was the dwelling of a Millennium cult.”

The events were documented in Ondi Timoner’s “We Live in Public” which scored the grand jury prize at Sundance in 2008.

Here is the trailer for “We Live In Public.”

Day-0, Nico Haupt 9/11 truther was a citizen of “Quiet.”

Haupt was one of the very first 9/11 truthers. He started to research and organize rallies on the morning of 9/11.

He was the first to focus some of the military training exercises that were going on during the attacks.

Haupt stated that he felt oppressed by other 9/11 Truthers for his questions and research.

Fast Company said about the significance of the experiment that it “..carrying(ed) out extreme social experiments that foreshadowed the current craze for social networking.”

CNN “..tiny cubes stacked one on top of the other, these exhibitionists have signed up to live — to eat, sleep, shower, party, go to the toilet and even have sex with each other — under the unwavering gaze of hundreds of cameras recording 24 hours a day.”

Parties upstairs was known to staff as the “Luvvyplex.”

Harris, got idea’s bunk beds in the so-called ‘concentration camps’ in the Holohoax.

Everything is free but participants must wear uniforms, submit to regular “interrogations” and, of course, give up any notion of privacy, not to mention freedom.”

Kaufman of the CIA, supervised the interrogations at “Quiet.”

Fast company ” The experiment demonstrated that people would sacrifice privacy for public recognition. Emotions intensified and participants’ mental stability began to falter. The police shut down “Quiet” on New Year’s Day” at beginning Y2K January 1, 2000.

CNN “On January 1, 2000, just thirty days after Harris launched his extraordinary project, it was shut down as a “millennial cult” by U.S. agency, FEMA.”

New Year's Eve 15 Years Ago: How We Prepped for Y2K | Time

“We Live In Public” has a unsavory similarities of people being stacked in boxes, under mass surveillance as that of the film “Cube.”

Cube was released to American audiences on September 11, 1998,  Director: Vicenzo Natali.

Full Film:

The New York Times ran a story titled, “Balcony Scene (Or Unseen) Atop the World; Episode at Trade Center Assumes Mythic Qualities” 3 weeks before 9/11 and 8 months after “Quiet” was shutdown.

The New York Times descibe an event that took place on a Sunday morning in March 2000, when a balcony was allegedly installed and, 19 minutes later, dismantled on the 91st floor of the World Trade Center by artists known collectively as Gelitin working on a project called the B-Thing.

What is the B-Thing?

Defuncted “Quiet” society at 353 Broadway in Manhattan was very close to the WTC.


Daily Mail: “The installation saw a group of performance artists apparently remove a window on the 91st floor of the North Tower in 2000 with suction pads and replace it with a balcony where they stood, one by one and naked, at 6am on a March morning in 2000.
It has eerie links to the atrocity which destroyed the towers, however.”

To be continued…

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